About Us

The Team Behind AI Autopilot

Who We Are
AI Autopilot is an innovative AI-powered platform designed specifically for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) by an MSP. We understand the daily challenges of managing IT service desks because we’ve faced them ourselves. Built from the ground up by the founder and CEO of ETech 7, AI Autopilot delivers cutting-edge automation solutions that streamline ticket management, enhance efficiency, and empower MSPs to focus on what matters most—providing exceptional service to clients.

Our Mission
Our mission is simple: to transform IT service management with intelligent automation. We’re dedicated to helping MSPs increase productivity, reduce operational bottlenecks, and deliver faster, more reliable services to their clients. By automating the most time-consuming tasks—ticket creation, triage, dispatch, and troubleshooting—AI Autopilot allows MSPs to scale effortlessly while improving response times and client satisfaction.

Why We Built AI Autopilot

At AI Autopilot, we’ve seen firsthand how overwhelming manual ticket management can be. From sorting through endless support requests to managing SLAs and dispatching technicians, service desks often get bogged down by administrative tasks. This reduces technician efficiency, delays issue resolution, and ultimately impacts the client experience.

That’s why we created AI Autopilot. Born out of the needs of our own MSP operations, our platform was designed to automate the most repetitive and time-consuming aspects of IT ticket management. By integrating AI technology with industry-standard tools like ConnectWise Manage and Kaseya Autotask, we’ve built a solution that improves every aspect of the service desk.

What Sets Us Apart

  • Built for MSPs by an MSP
    AI Autopilot isn’t just another generic IT tool. It’s built specifically for the unique challenges MSPs face every day. We understand the importance of delivering timely, reliable service to clients while managing an ever-growing volume of tickets. Our platform addresses these pain points directly.
  • AI-Driven Innovation
    We leverage advanced AI to automate ticket triage, dispatching, and troubleshooting, reducing technician workload while ensuring issues are handled with precision and speed. Our AI continuously learns from past tickets to improve performance, making your service desk smarter over time.
  • Seamless Integrations
    AI Autopilot integrates seamlessly with the tools you already use, including ConnectWise Manage and Kaseya Autotask. This ensures a smooth transition to AI automation without disrupting your existing workflows.
  • Scalability for Growing MSPs
    Whether you manage a handful of clients or hundreds, AI Autopilot scales effortlessly to meet the needs of your growing MSP. Our platform handles increasing ticket volumes without adding to your team’s workload.

Our Vision for the Future

We believe that the future of IT service management lies in intelligent automation. As technology continues to evolve, MSPs need tools that not only keep pace with growing demands but also push the boundaries of efficiency and service quality. At AI Autopilot, we’re committed to leading that evolution.

Our vision is to create a fully automated service desk solution that enables MSPs to provide proactive, rather than reactive, service. By leveraging AI to predict potential issues, automate resolutions, and offer real-time insights, we aim to help MSPs deliver unparalleled client experiences—while drastically improving their own operational efficiency.

Our Core Values

  • Innovation: We are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in IT automation. Our commitment to innovation ensures that AI Autopilot evolves alongside the needs of the industry.
  • Efficiency: Everything we build is designed to streamline operations and save time. By automating repetitive tasks, we free up technicians to focus on high-value work, improving both team productivity and client satisfaction.
  • Client-Centric Focus: We built AI Autopilot with the goal of helping MSPs serve their clients better. From faster response times to smarter issue resolution, every feature is designed with the client’s experience in mind.
  • Collaboration: We value feedback from our MSP partners and use it to continually improve our platform. We believe that building strong relationships with our users is key to staying ahead in a fast-evolving industry.

Join Us on the Path to Smarter IT Service Management

At AI Autopilot, we’re more than just a technology provider—we’re a partner in your success. Our AI-powered platform was built to help you overcome the operational challenges of today’s service desk and prepare for the demands of tomorrow. Together, we can streamline your processes, boost your team’s productivity, and help you deliver even better service to your clients.

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